
One of the many ways in which Animal Medical Center works to stay on the cutting-edge of hometown care is through providing services like Endoscopies. Our endoscope allows our veterinarians to examine the upper gastrointestinal system both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The ability to visualize your pet’s gastrointestinal tract via the endoscopic camera can not only aid in diagnosing gastric and small intestinal disease, but also allows our veterinarians to collect tissue samples or biopsies to send to our state-of-the-art reference laboratories, and even allow for the removal of gastric foreign bodies.

Does your dog or cat have frequent vomiting or diarrhea? Ate a foreign body that is in the stomach? There’s a large variety of reasons your veterinarian may request an endoscopy be performed on your pet, and whatever the case may be, Dr. Maust and Dr. Svonavec will work together to conduct the entire procedure and ensure your pet’s health and safety both during the procedure and the recovery period which follows. Please call our office to schedule a consultation to discuss if endoscopy would be the right diagnostic/therapeutic tool for your pet.

(814) 443-6979